The Provincial Administration’s core mandates are to coordinate the planning, implementation and monitoring of developmental programmes and national policies in all the districts in the province and to ensure that the concurrent functions of the Province Administration and exclusive functions of the Local Government are performed in accordance with the Constitution and other laws.
The Department of Chiefs is responsible for the administration of chiefs’ affairs, research in culture, registration of villages and conflict resolution.
The Forestry Department is mandated to protect and manage indigenous forests, establish, and manage local supply forest plantations, provide forestry extension, rehabilitate degraded forest areas, and collect forest related revenue.
The Survey Department is mandated to carry out cadastral surveys to prepare survey diagrams to facilitate the preparation of land title deeds. It is also mandated to carry out surveys to resolve land boundary disputes. Further the department is mandated to collect survey fees.
The Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Labour Laws; conciliation of industrial disputes; promotion of social dialogue and collective bargaining at places of work; registration of trade unions and employer associations; inspections of workplaces; collection and publication of information on Labour and employment
The core mandate for the Department of Cultural Services and Arts is to preserve, promote and integrate culture into the mainstream of the development process of the country. The Department is charged with the responsibility of coordinating the implementation of the National Cultural Policy in the country.
The Department of Community Development is responsible for implementing programmes that empower communities that are vulnerable but have the abilities to work.
The Department of Resettlement is responsible for enhancement of rural economic growth through resettlement schemes, and guide compensation and resettlement assistance for Internally Displaced Persons.
The Provincial Local Government Office (PLGO) is charged with the coordination of Local Government Administration, and coordination of the implementation of the National Decentralization Policy.
The core mandate of the Sports Department is sports development and coordination of sports organisations. The department promotes, coordinates, and offers policy guidance to administrators and ensures that everyone has access to sports.
The Internal Audit Department’s core mandate as derived from section 17 (1) of the Public Finance Act No.1 of 2018 is the maintenance of internal controls systems. Internal Audit Unit supports Accounting Officers and Controlling Officers in the MPSAs in the effective discharge of their responsibilities by measuring, evaluating and reporting on the effectiveness of the internal control systems implemented by the Accounting Officers and Controlling Officers to ensure: compliance with applicable policies, procedures, laws and regulations; reliability of internal and external reporting and accountability processes; and Compliance with the relevant codes of conduct and ethical guidelines.
The mandate of the Finance Department is to manage government cash flows in accordance with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, no. 1 of 2018 and other relevant provisions of the law.
The mandate of the Department of National Guidance and Religious Affairs is to promote national values and actualize the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation for social transformation and sustainable development
The core mandate of the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (DWSS) is to coordinate, monitor and support all Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) activities in the Province
SMART Zambia is mandated to coordinate and implement information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure and develop systems for the provision of electronic services to facilitate Government to Government (G2G), Government to Business (G2B) and Government to Citizens(G2C) services in a secure and robust environment as provided in the Government Act No. 41 of 2021
The core mandate of ZANIS is to interpret government policies, provide accurate and comprehensive information to the public to solicit their support and participation. The department is among the principal instruments for implementing information and media policy for the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services.
The core functions of the Department of Preventive Maintenance include formulating and setting standards for: construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, renovation, refurbishment, alteration and extension of government buildings; management of government real estate property; provision of residential and official government accommodation and related public services. The office also facilitates for Presidential and other VIP visits where the services are required.
The Lands Department’s core functions include processing land documents, facilitating the numbering of properties, land inspection, land related revenue collection and facilitating land disputes resolution.
The DWRD is responsible for the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of water resources infrastructure; exploratory research and surveys on the availability of water resources and water development related issues; maintenance of a comprehensive geo-spatial database on dams and exploratory boreholes; development and implementation of programmes on trans-boundary waters.
The core mandate for the Social Welfare Department is to implement Government’s social assistance programmes, aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of socio-economic shocks on the extremely poor and vulnerable persons.
The core mandate of the Meteorology Department is to provide timely, quality and accurate weather and climate observations; and maintain and service meteorological instruments and equipment.
The core mandate for the Department of Youth is empowerment of youth with skills for their self-sustenance.
The Department of Child Development is charged with fostering the rights, development welfare of children under the age of 18 years; and providing policy framework that facilitates, promotes, coordinates and monitors the child development programmes in order to uplift the standard of living of these children.
The Department of Physical Planning is responsible for spatial planning in Zambia guided by the Urban and Regional Planning Act No 3 of 2015 of the laws of Zambia to guide and control development.
The overall mandate of the PPU is the coordination of development and implementation of regional policies, plans and programmes to promote equitable and sustainable development.
The Procurement and Supply Unit is mandated to undertake public procurement to ensure timely availability of goods, works and services.
The Department of Public Infrastructure is mandated to manage government infrastructure. The Department’s responsibilities range from construction, architectural construction, to engineering and project management services to the government, Local Authorities, and the general public.
The mandate of the Department of Housing and Infrastructure Development (DHID) is to facilitate the development, maintenance and sustainable management of urban, peri-urban and rural infrastructure to enhance the delivery of social services delivered by the Local Authorities (LAs), Commercial Utilities (CUs) and the National Housing Authority (NHA) in partnership with the private sector to the people of Zambia.
The Department of Office Equipment and Maintenance Services is mandated to regulate the acquisition, maintenance, usage and disposal of Government Office Equipment in order to ensure adherence to set standards as outlined in the Public Stores Regulations (The Finance (Control and Management) Act (Laws, Volume XII, Cap. 600) SI No. 122 of 1985.
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